Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Simple yet Complex!!!

Some people say a picture speaks a thousand words. In this picture, it does portray to me alot of words which can easily be described in this simple yet complex picture. What is the first thing you think of when you look at this picture? Its a group of people inteconnected with each other through the use of their hands to form an unbroken circle in the centre. Alot of group work and co-ordination is needed to form this almost flawless unbroken circle in the centre.

If one person were to let go of the other person's hand, the circle will not be complete anymore. Same concept occurs in a group. If one person were to let go or give up, the group will fall apart and conflict will arise.
What exactly is a group then, one would ask? A group is a "collection of individuals who, as a result of interacting with one another over time, become independent, developing shared patterns of behaviour and a collective identity.

From the above picture, all the hands, although different, look roughly the same. Why is that so? It is because they are in a group and they share the same collective goal and identity.
Working together in a group may has advantages and disadvantages. One can get to like a person better or dislike a person. All this is determined by how one perceives the group to be or how one approaches a group. To be able to fit into a paticular group, one mostly would have to like the same thing as the other members in the group. There are many roles within a group itself that enables the group to function well. Such roles are critical in the development of the group to a further level. Being a student, I have personally seen many people who take on different roles within a group to help the group in all ways and means. This is very good and because each person in a group is different and have different talents given to them, they take on different roles, thus providing each person within a group to develop their talent in their particular field and at the same time, bring the group to greater heights. Isnt that wonderful? Killing two birds with one stone!!

All in all, working together as a group is something that is unavoidable. Even if one manages to escape that in school life, it will not stay that way in the working life. There will be big projects to handle as a team and this is where roles within the group members fall into place. Learning to work together as a team is crucial and if one member falls, the whole team will fall too. We're all in this together!

1 comment:

Joyce W said...

"One for all, all for one" Heard this statement many times before right? This statement is effective for training organisations such as uniform groups, army. Despite dont like it, but work as a teamwork is definately rewarding experience. This also can teach us many other things such as friendship, understanding the characters better and so on..

It is very simple yet complex. I totally agree with you. Every individual has differences and many issues needed on working as a group effectively.