Thursday, October 2, 2008

Ferrari's Mistake - Overdependence on technology

The F1 race in Singapore was a very interesting race in which Ferrari's Felipe Massa was almost devasting to him. Was it his pit crew's fault? Or was it Massa's fault?

"Those watching the F1 last weekend would gasp in horror as Ferrari’s Felipe Massa stepped on the accelerator after his schedule pitstop and to everyone’s horror, the fuel nozzle still attached to his F2008 F1 car.

It seems that there was some error in the Ferrari pitstop, when a crewman pressed the go button of the electronic sign wrongly, which gave the green lights for Massa to leave the pit, but not known to Massa, the re-fuelling mechanic have yet to remove the fuel nozzle.

Team Ferrari is the only team that uses electronic sign to indicate to their F1 drivers if its fine to move off. Other F1 teams uses a ‘lollipop stick’ where the chief mechanic would hold the stick in front of the driver and would only remove it once the other mechanics have completed their pit-jobs.

If Massa who is currently in second place (77 points) in the F1 drivers title loses the championship to McLaren’s Lewis Hamilton (84 points), the incident at Singapore GP will be regarded as the turning point for Ferrari’s failure to defend the drivers title under Ferrari flag. Kimi Raikkonen was last year champion."

Taken from

This shows that although technology can be good at times, it does not always prove to be the best. Sticking to the old fashion use of the 'lollipop stick' did prove to be much better in this case. Aside from the technology part, miscommunication may have occured here.

"What I don’t understand is why those crew moved off from the front quickly even when the hose is still in the nozzel. This i believe played a part in the decision of the signal controller who had obviously concentrated at but front and ignored what happened at the back."

Above is a comment posted by one of the people who watched the F1 race and in it shows miscommunication between the pit crew members themselves. The organisation and arrangement between the fron pit crew members and those at the back was not in sync thus causing this great loss to Ferrari.
Miscommunication can occur in many ways, through non verbal or verbal cues. Non verbal cues in this case includes the use of body language. Maybe the pit crew members in the front, seeing that those at the back seemed to have finished signaled the cue for Massa to go. Body language can be misinterpreted as seen in this case. Massa, on the other hand, not knowing if the pit crew had finished, but assuming that they were done, followed the cue to go off. There was no verbal communication involved between that of the pit crew members and Massa. Even if there were little communication, it would not have been heard clearly because of the loud noises in the surrounding environment.
With all this in check, Felipe Massa, starting of at first place fell to one of the bottom few, thus causing Ferrari to lose the F1 race. Therefore, who should be responsible for the fall of Ferrari in the Singapore F1 grand prix?
Is it Felipe Massa? Or is it the Ferrari pit crew members?


Amos said...

Hi phoebe!

The F1 in Singapore was indeed an exciting and unexpected surprises was clearly abound. The incident that really outshone others was the one where messa took off with the petrol host still attached to his car. As we can see and the whole world watching as well, miscommunication can end in catastrophic results. As stated in this article, communication is key and sometimes the tools we used to communicate can either make or break us. Whatever it is, technology too can sometimes improve communication or disrupt it with severe consequences and in this case losing the F1 title to Maclaren. I guess we must never forget the root of all human communication which is face to face interaction.

Joyce W said...

Firstly, I dont understand why so many people are crazy over this event. Nevermind, that why every individual is so unique. Scary that humans depend on the technology when the human actually do the work right?? I guess it is really unavoidable to depend on technology. Miscommunication also can result the fall of the group work. Scary ah? Personally, I cannot be involved in this kind of organisation that require instant comminication and to produce instant correct action accordingly.
F1 ROCKS in Singapore!