Saturday, September 6, 2008

881's Non Verbal Communication!!

Just a couple of days ago, as I was travelling on the way to malaysia, i watched the show 881 on the bus ride there. I sat there and thought about the different ways the actors were portraying their communication with each other.

As the psychological perspective of communication states that communication takes place when 2 minds connect, the show really portrays that in which the actor, Qi Yu Wu, who is deaf and mute, is able to communicate with the other actors and actresses and they are able to understand each other without having the use of words. Communication can take place in various forms, through eye contact and feelings and actions towards someone. This perspective of sommunication also says that individuals are the one that creates communication. I believe this is so true because communication is 2 way and without the other person, it is difficult to communicate.

In the movie, wide use of singing throughout the show was used as another form of communication, besides just talking. The main actresses in the show felt that through singing, they could express themselves better than through talking or other forms. Royston Tan, the famous Singapore director who directed this show graduated from Temasek Polytechnic with a Visual Communications certificate. Visual communication, as the names suggests is communication with the use of visual aids. This is clearly shown in the movie, 881 where he uses alot of visual aid to show the audience what he means by communicating, not through talking alone.

The pragmatic perspective of communication states that it is impossible not to communicate; silence is also a part of communication. Royston Tan managed to show that through the actor being deaf and mute in the show but was still able to understand and be understood by others. This movie has alot of ways in which communication has taken place and I personally feel that it is a very good movie to consider watching and learn the various ways comminication can take place.


SHUFEN said...

i agree with you tt communication takes many different forms! it doesnt always have t be verbal. we just have t look past the surface and really pay attention to the different ways pple choose to express themselves.

Amos said...

HI! Amos here. Nice write up on the different tools of communication used in this particular movie. A good testimony to local film which many Singaporeans do not give much credit too! I have watched 881 by Roystan tan and it did show me the hidden jewels of our local directors. A thing about this local production that really caught my eye was the unique way of how Roystan tan captivates the audience using very contrasting characters, colors and scripts. What was of particular interest to me was how even silence can be used as a form of communication. Without any verbal interaction, the actor in the show can express his intended message by facial expression, body language and associations. Although there is lack in audio output, the director plays on the audience's stored schemas so as to enable them to understand the message and produce the desired effect. It is indeed true that we cannot escape from communication as even silence is a form of communication.

We all know one. said...

yo u may not know me, but i don't know you either but it's ok right?
haha right speaking of visual aid i myself am a very visual person. i've always been a "seeing is believing" guy so external influences would not mar my perception.

god gave us the eyes to see, the heart and touch to feel, the power to sniff a clue, the ears to hear and the voice to speak out so we're extremely fortunate to be able to communicate through all five senses. can you do all of them?

i haven't watch 881 but based on the reviews i'm sure it'll be aired sooner rather than later on mediacorp. and they'll repeat it on deepavali, chinese new year and hari raya and probably they'll win the Asian Silver Screen Awards for best broadcaster again. haha

kudos to royston and may everyone be a uniquely singaporean like him.

Joyce W said...

hey, i watched this movie recently too. i always thought that communication means 'must talk' in order people can understand what the other party is talking about. It is interesting that we, humans can use different senses to express our thoughts and feelings. In turn, it teaches us how to react or response back to the person? Very good movie to watch.

Joyce W said...

I must clap hands for that guy..what is his name..always keeping quiet. Hey, I must say acting nonverbal all the time is very tiring. Can u imagine controlling yourself not to say a work in the movie. When you laugh, you will naturally make the sound. It's tough on him. Yes, this is a good movie and do sent the message across effectively unlike the movie, "leap years"...